Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Jan 1st

The Illusionist
I'm still unsure about this one; a tad too predictable an ending and the accents began to wear a bit thin towards the end. It's no Prestige. Still entertaining enough though.

Spider-Man 3
I actually enjoyed this, despite the roasting some people gave it when it came out. The musical scenes got on my tits a bit, and the part where 'Venom' suddenly and conveniently enough found Sandman was a bit poor, but it was a fun family film which is what Spidey should be about. And Bruce Campbell was on top form as ever.

1 comment:

Sam said...

The Illusionist sucks!

Spider-Man 3 sucks even more!

Both were severe disappointments, and the Illusionist made the severe mistake of coming out at the same time as The Prestige (also known as the best film ever).