Thursday, February 7, 2008

Feb 7th

The Eye
Based upon the 'success' of The Ring and The Grudge comes another Hollywood remake of a Japanese horror film. I wasn't too keen on either of the aforementioned films, so didn't expect much from this and lo-and-behold I wasn't surprised when I wasn't too into it. It had a bit of promise, but the build up seemed too much to justify the ending which felt too weak to have carried the rest of the film.

The Prestige
I've mentioned this film is a previous post; and what an unbelievable film it is.
Great concept, great execution, superb cast, superb acting.

The Butterfly Effect
A lot of people completely rubbish this film whenever it's talked about. I personally really enjoy it but then again I've always been intrigued by the concepts of time travel and cause and effect, and Ashton Kutcher actually turns in a really decent performance. My one issue is the cop-out ending, which takes it down from a great film to an alright one.

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