Friday, February 29, 2008

Feb 29th

The Dark Crystal
It saddens me that this film isn't as enjoyable as it was when I was young.
I remember it being so much better.
Still, anything Henson has a part in is a visual joy to behold.

Layer Cake
The film that allegedly got Daniel Craig the role of Bond, another Brit-slick-gangster-flick in the style of Lock Stock. It may not be as polished but it still makes for a decent film. And I for one, didn't see the ending coming, which is rare for me.

Resident Evil
Probably the nearest to a good computer game film conversion there is.
It may not be perfect, but hey... Milla Jovovich makes it.

+1 film still

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feb 28th

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

One of the films to reboot the British film industry in the late 90's, and the first to introduce us to messer's Richie and Vaughn, and Vinnie Jones as well.. a stylised version of himself on screen; the cheeky chirpy mockney cockney slick as the city heist-ish film with a happy ending.
As unbelievable as the script is you just want it to be real. You want to be part of it. Of this London. With these friends.
A great film.

+3 films still

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feb 25th - Feb 27th

So.. Erm... Yeah....

Life... and stuff...

*commercial break*

+3 films

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feb 24th

Hard Candy
Once again, Ellen Page makes this film.
A great film, dealing with a very hard to deal with subject matter.

A very bizarre Australian spoof horror.
Billed as Bad Taste meets Shaun Of The Dead, it really doesn't live up to either comparison. And I'm not that big a fan of Bad Taste, to be fair.

He Was A Quiet Man
A very cool film about cause and effect and possibilities, a bit too much like Fight Club in some ways but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It deals with the concept better than say, Secret Window or possibly even The Machinist.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Feb 23rd

A decent enough British gangster-esque flick, not a massive budget but in some way that just adds to it's urban-ness.
Andy Serkis, best known nowadays for his 'role' as Golem, makes the film with his portrayal of the psychopathic drug dealer.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Feb 22nd

Chasing Amy
The film of Smith's Jersey-verse that takes the most stick for it's unbelievable-ness, it at least attempts to touch on some serious qualities and issues.
The small amount of Jay & Silent Bob probably helps add to it's seriousness, but probably detracts from it's full comedy potential. Smith's best comedy comes from their exploits.
Still a fun film, not his best, but not his worst.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Feb 21st

How To Make A Monster
A concept so far fetched it could only come from b-movie land, leading to hilarious 'horror' moments.
God bless the 50's kitschness.
I'm sure this was better than the 2001 remake.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feb 20th

Batman Begins
As much as I loved Burton's Batman, Nolan's vision is an even darker dystopian one. Something I didn't think was possible until I saw it.
This film reinvigorates the character on so many levels and gives it the kick up the arse it needed after the last excuses for Batman films.
A great film with a great cast, and I look forward to more.

Still +1 film

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feb 19th

Fucked up day; nothing watched.

+1 Film

Monday, February 18, 2008

Feb 18th

White Chicks
I wasn't expecting much from this film, but it had a few smile-inducing lines.
Better than Big Momma's House anyway...

Feb 17th

Arguably one of the greatest films ever made, and easily Luc Besson's best.
The film works on so many levels and Gary Oldman gives, what I believe is, the performance of his career so far.

Along with The Goonies, one of the best family films of the 80's.
It doesn't hold up as well with time, but in an age where fantasy's been given a boost by LOTR it could well still be enjoyed by a new audience.

Monsters Inc.
Pixar films are NOT Disney films.
Let's get that straight now.
They may be paid for with Disney money, but that's where it ends.
For that reason and that reason I allow myself to watch them.
When I stop myself from analyzing the animation, Monsters Inc. is a great family comedy.

Feb 16th

Human Traffic - again

British gangster underworld dealings in a Hollywood style with budget and cast to match.
A great plot with some memorable lines.

Feb 15th

The Hole
Opinion's always seem to be divided when mentioning this film, but I'm personally in the camp that really enjoy it. And not just because of Keira Knightly's chest.
The variations on the different versions of the truth make the film work for me.
The idea's pretty novel, and watching close quarter situations unfold are always interesting if done right.

Feb 14th

The Bucket List
This isn't the kind of film that I'd usually watched, based upon just it's synopsis alone, but I'm really glad that I did.
The standard of acting was absolutely top notch; with Nicholson and Freedman putting out, in my opinion, some of the greatest performances of their careers, full of emotion, heart and soul.
A really great, touching film.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feb 13th

Stephen King short stories have a dubious record about what actually translates well to film.
I'm still unsure whether 1408 worked...
There were moments that had potential, and some that just screamed out in direness...
Sam Jackson being billed as the star probably didn't help matters, with him in his usual hard-ass celluloid persona.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Feb 12th

The uniqueness of this film has probably been watered down by it's many sequels and the floods of imitations that have followed it, but at the time it was exactly what the horror genre needed at the time.
I remember seeing it as it came out, knowing hardly anything about it and was amazed.
It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but a great twist-filled concept film.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb 11th

The Goonies
This film still holds up as a great, hilarious family fun film, decades later.
Only now all I can think of is 'gay hobbit'... damn.
Still unbeatable though.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Feb 10th

Films based upon computer games are generally shit. GENETIC PROVEN FACT.
Why am I not surprised this wasn't.

A really unique sweet story and Ellen Page is absolutely top notch in it.
The soundtrack's pretty great too.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Feb 9th

Steal - Or 'Riders' as it's known in the US.
Steal isn't a bad film. It's quite a slick little heist thriller in places, in others it's a bit too trying to be Point Break which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just not too original.
There are some neat sequences which make the film worth watching, especially the roller blading one. The acting however is a little hammy in places, which is probably the one drawback of the film.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Feb 8th

Shoot 'Em Up
How good is this film?
From the very opening it's just pure over the top action in spectacular stunt fashion.
The plot builds as the film develops and while it's pretty unbelievable, that's the whole point; the focus is on the action and the shooting, the film isn't trying to be anything it's not.
It had me laughing out loud in lots of places as the scale of the carnage and the style of the shooting got notched up as it went along. The sex scene especially stands out as one of the highlights.
Great film. Watch it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Feb 7th

The Eye
Based upon the 'success' of The Ring and The Grudge comes another Hollywood remake of a Japanese horror film. I wasn't too keen on either of the aforementioned films, so didn't expect much from this and lo-and-behold I wasn't surprised when I wasn't too into it. It had a bit of promise, but the build up seemed too much to justify the ending which felt too weak to have carried the rest of the film.

The Prestige
I've mentioned this film is a previous post; and what an unbelievable film it is.
Great concept, great execution, superb cast, superb acting.

The Butterfly Effect
A lot of people completely rubbish this film whenever it's talked about. I personally really enjoy it but then again I've always been intrigued by the concepts of time travel and cause and effect, and Ashton Kutcher actually turns in a really decent performance. My one issue is the cop-out ending, which takes it down from a great film to an alright one.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Feb 6th

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
One of the greatest films ever made. Fact.
I notice something new or different in it every time I see it.
Hunter S Thompson's Gonzo Journalism is something amazing to behold and Terry Gilliam's unique vision gives it justice.
The acting by Depp and Del Toro is spot on and class oozes through the film taking paranoia to the extreme.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feb 5th

Without question, one of the greatest comic book films ever made.
Arguably THE greatest one.
This film paved the way for the masses of comic book adaptations that have since followed, with it's gritty realistic take on the vampire hunter, it's non-child friendly rating helping to change a lot of people's thoughts on comics.
A near perfect film.

A traditional old skool slasher horror.
Don't take it too seriously and you'll love it, if that's your thing.
Even with the extreme laugh out loud blood spurting parts.
Not award worthy, but enjoyable.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Feb 4th

The concept of this film is pretty damn spiffy, as you'd expect from being based on a Phillip K Dick story.
But, much like Minority Report and Paycheck, it fails to give it the treatment it deserves.
Nic Cage isn't at his best in this, but definitely isn't at his worst.
A popcorn flick at best, but vaguely enjoyable.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Feb 3rd



Not quite a porno with a plot, not quite a film with a point.
There was obviously more to the film than all the gratuitous explicit sexual activity, but I just felt it fell short of it's intended emotional impact. There just seemed to be something missing, y'know? Not necessarily a bad film, just... not a good one...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Feb 2nd


After Constantine I have to say I wasn't the biggest fan of Shia LaBeouf, but although I didn't like Transformers he surprised me in it, with his acting so when the trailer for Disturbia impressed me I was willing to give it a watch when I eventually could.

The trailer pretty much is the film, let's face it. It tells you exactly what's going on and what the end result's going to be.

But strangely enough where a lot of films(or filmmakers) fail, Disturbia manages to keep you watching throughout. It's not a work of art; I don't think I'd buy it or even watch it again, but it's definitely a decent enough television-viewing movie.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Feb 1st

Human Traffic

What can I say about Human Traffic?

One of the most original and since often imitated films of the 90's.
Serious, yet hilarious.
Never fails to set the mood for a night out, pre or post-club.
Never fails to cheer me up.
One of the most absolutely class films I've ever seen.