Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jan 9th

Raving Maniacs
I fully admit that I'm a sucker for a terrible horror movie. Especially zombie ones. There's something about being so bad that makes them good.
So, when I saw a shitty horror film set in a rave culture I had to pick it up.
I've seen student films more polished than this. And again, not in a good way. If you can't act - don't try. I can't act, I don't attempt to.
And what a surprise; a film that insinuates every person that goes to clubs takes drugs and become psychotic killers. Big woo.
Although when we're talking drugs in this film we mean glowstick capsules the size of my thumb - an obvious choice for an illegal drug and one that's obviously reaaaaaally swallowable.
Yes; the plot's that bad.
It's not even worth watching in an amusing ironic way.

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