Saturday, January 5, 2008

Jan 5th

The Chumscrubber
I should really have learnt from Brick that any film reviewed as 'the best indie debut since Donnie Darko' isn't necessarily going to come anywhere near Donnie Darko in terms of strength, topic or quality.
The Chumscrubber was an odd little beast. Quite quirky and entertaining in the end, it just took a long while to get going. There's a pretty solid star cast within the film, which probably helps it's cause.
I've always grown up in big cities rather than these well-cellulised (I'm sure there's an actual word for what I want to say, but for now I'll revel in my creation of one) small American suburban towns where everyone knows each other and each other's business so the concept always comes across as a bit clichéd to me. The film came off very Desperate Housewives-meets-the aforementioned Brick at some points.
With those genre-bias preconceptions behind me, the film is an enjoyable dark comedy with lots of personality. I'm not sure however, if it'll hold up to multiple viewings. Worth a watch though.

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