Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jan 30th

Saw IV
After the events of the third encounter in the Saw series I was confused as to how exactly a fourth would pan out, but as ever the Hollywood sequel machine churns out more and more.
Saw 4 has definitely toned down the random gore that Saw 3 had, but still manages to produce a vastly inferior film to the original surprise hit.
It's not a bad film per se, and if you enjoyed 1-3 then chances are you'll like this. I suppose I did. Again it tries to tie loose ends up from the previous films, as well as being a stand-alone film in it's own right.
My main gripe was with the storyline and the 'villain's' motivations which weren't really explained. The timeline kind of got slightly skewed at the end too, which confused me.

Four Eyed Monsters
Four Eyed Monsters is a rare film.
It's a very unique concept in that the writers/stars allow it to be freely distributed, asking only for donations or direct dvd purchases to help them pay off the massive debt they undertook in making the film, and the project surrounding it.

The film itself is part of an ongoing project, based upon a true story, and is an amazingly unique look at love, relationships and humanity. I was really entertained and inspired by this film.

Do yourself a favour and check out:

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