Friday, February 29, 2008

Feb 29th

The Dark Crystal
It saddens me that this film isn't as enjoyable as it was when I was young.
I remember it being so much better.
Still, anything Henson has a part in is a visual joy to behold.

Layer Cake
The film that allegedly got Daniel Craig the role of Bond, another Brit-slick-gangster-flick in the style of Lock Stock. It may not be as polished but it still makes for a decent film. And I for one, didn't see the ending coming, which is rare for me.

Resident Evil
Probably the nearest to a good computer game film conversion there is.
It may not be perfect, but hey... Milla Jovovich makes it.

+1 film still

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feb 28th

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

One of the films to reboot the British film industry in the late 90's, and the first to introduce us to messer's Richie and Vaughn, and Vinnie Jones as well.. a stylised version of himself on screen; the cheeky chirpy mockney cockney slick as the city heist-ish film with a happy ending.
As unbelievable as the script is you just want it to be real. You want to be part of it. Of this London. With these friends.
A great film.

+3 films still

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feb 25th - Feb 27th

So.. Erm... Yeah....

Life... and stuff...

*commercial break*

+3 films

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feb 24th

Hard Candy
Once again, Ellen Page makes this film.
A great film, dealing with a very hard to deal with subject matter.

A very bizarre Australian spoof horror.
Billed as Bad Taste meets Shaun Of The Dead, it really doesn't live up to either comparison. And I'm not that big a fan of Bad Taste, to be fair.

He Was A Quiet Man
A very cool film about cause and effect and possibilities, a bit too much like Fight Club in some ways but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It deals with the concept better than say, Secret Window or possibly even The Machinist.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Feb 23rd

A decent enough British gangster-esque flick, not a massive budget but in some way that just adds to it's urban-ness.
Andy Serkis, best known nowadays for his 'role' as Golem, makes the film with his portrayal of the psychopathic drug dealer.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Feb 22nd

Chasing Amy
The film of Smith's Jersey-verse that takes the most stick for it's unbelievable-ness, it at least attempts to touch on some serious qualities and issues.
The small amount of Jay & Silent Bob probably helps add to it's seriousness, but probably detracts from it's full comedy potential. Smith's best comedy comes from their exploits.
Still a fun film, not his best, but not his worst.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Feb 21st

How To Make A Monster
A concept so far fetched it could only come from b-movie land, leading to hilarious 'horror' moments.
God bless the 50's kitschness.
I'm sure this was better than the 2001 remake.